“Have you ever realized that sometimes all our efforts towards realizing our dreams shatter, leaving us clueless about what went wrong! Our prayers don’t get answered; despite our countless efforts, we don’t achieve what we aspire to, making us feel utterly lost and helpless. The life we had always envisioned – seems too far for us to ever attain, leaving us wondering whether our dreams would ever come true!

Today, I am going to reveal to you the secret which can help fulfill all your dreams and desires. You might have heard about this in various books but may not have believed it. The secret is – that we are all under the impact of the Cosmic “Law of Attraction”. Whatever the situation or circumstance we may find ourselves in, be it good or bad, beneficial or detrimental, it has all been attracted to us by us!

We human beings know very little about the immense power of energy and the amazing Law of Attraction. We can achieve anything we want, be it success money, love, a great career, or fame – by just unblocking the flow of energy in our lives. We are what our thoughts play have with our belief system – creating fears, phobias, assumptions, insecuriteis, and unworthiness – all of which do not let us lead the life of our dreams.

We are all nothing but energy. We come from energy and we disappear into energy. The sounds we hear, whatever we feel, what we see or taste, it is all energy. This omnipresent energy impacts us through waves. Every thought that comes to our mind is an electric impluse which vibrates at a certain frequency, thereby creating an array of energy which may bring us up or down and affect our moods.”

International Master of Law of Attraction, Happiness Coach, Vibration Therapist and renowed Cosmic Healer, Vandana Srivastava claims that any problem can be solved through the correct use of energy.

At her center ‘MIND MIRACLE’ Vandana creates magic in peoples’ lives by re-programming their minds so that they can easily go from stress to success and scarcity to prosperity. Any kind of physical ailment or disease can be healed. Unlike allopathic medicine, Cosmic Healing uses only energy and thoughts as a medium, which has no limitations and can heal at a super-fast speed.

Vandana ma’am (as she is so lovingly called by her huge number of students and clients) is also a Motivational Speaker. Her students vouch by her divine blessings and grace. Vandana has crystallized her 35+ years of life lessons & learnings, deep spiritual cognizance, and her passion – to build programs and learning interventions for personal, professional & spiritual transformation. Her life empowering programs include Re-Invent Your Life, Re-Discover Inner Happiness, Become a Money Magnet, Awaken your Life’s Purpose with SOUL speak, Manifest Cosmic Healing, and Access the Super-Conscious with Mind & Beyond! She offers these programs as individual coaching plus group training to Corporates. As a global speaker, Vandana travels the world, delivering keynotes that are both engaging and liberating!

Vandana is also a Relationship Expert and Counsellor. “Through vibration therapy, one can bring a huge shift both in personal and professional life. We can attract all good things through the power of soul and mind”, she says. Her client base extends to the film world in Mumbai, industrialists, and several celebrities from different walks of life.

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