You repeat an affirmation over and over and over again — and that thing just never manifests…

You start doubting yourself thinking you’re doing something wrong. But what actually happens is that a limiting belief is blocking you from what you want to achieve. We often ask the wrong questions:

Why is that special person not showing up in my life? Why do I keep running into debt? Why does it always happen to me?

These questions tend to sabotage our intentions.
So instead, when you have a bold vision you want to realise, try this.

Every day when I meditate, I ask myself “lofty questions.”

Why do I work with such an amazing team every day?

Why do I have the muscular, fit body of an athlete?

Why am I always surrounded by love?

These are NOT the same as affirmations.

Often when we say an affirmation, there’s a part of our belief system that goes “Nope, I don’t believe that”

For example, you might say to yourself “I have such an amazing body”. And then the self-denial part of you goes like “Well…I dunno.

You did eat that pizza last night”

But when you ask a lofty question, you’re less likely to trigger any negative response. That’s why these questions are so much more powerful than affirmations or positive statements.

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